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jarl has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
jesko8 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping maple tree!
calisto has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
calisto has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
Premium NickyWells9 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
calisto has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
palle20220 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[7:14]  zezima: diamond necklaces for 30k on marketplace
[7:35]  Guest12126: @kroba why do you play this game?
[7:35]  Guest12126: you too @zezima lol
[7:35]  Guest12126: no offense. just wondering
[7:36]  Guest12126: went back and read the chat a bi
[2:47]  Premium KroBa: pot committed
[4:53]  zezima: imagine going back reading the chat then asking why we "play" it
[12:27]  Guest12126: @zezima well i'm just wondering. The game seems dead
[12:27]  Guest12126: and no updates
[12:27]  Guest12126: At least Kroba pays for premium πŸ˜…
[4:24]  zezima: well hes a lil bitch
[6:04]  Guest12126: no but really why are you still playing
Premium NickyWells9 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[12:05]  Premium KroBa: it was a one-time payment like 5 years ago or whenever i started playing - I'd say I got my money's worth
[12:06]  Premium KroBa: i've followed Ryan (the creator) since he was D3Sanc around the time of Diablo III's beta and randomly stumbled into his stream years later while he was programming this and joined up
[11:45]  KxWarrior: Ryans a peckerhead. Lol
[11:45]  KxWarrior: I hope he's doing well though
[11:46]  KxWarrior: whats the discord again, imma join up and harass him.
[12:20]  zezima: your mom
Premium NickyWells9 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[5:26]  SystemOfADown: πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
[3:17]  Guest12393: dead game is dead
Premium NickyWells9 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
Manandezo has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
calisto has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
Premium NickyWells9 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[4:03]  SystemOfADown: πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄
calisto has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[1:14]  SystemOfADown: 😏😏😏
[11:41]  SystemOfADown: 🎡🎡🎡
Manandezo has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
zezima has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
Premium NickyWells9 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
Manandezo has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
calisto has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
Manandezo has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
[1:11]  Bankofworkers: Hi im new here
[1:12]  Bankofworkers: someone's connected ?
[2:34]  Premium KroBa: Plugged in
palle20220 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
Manandezo has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
Premium NickyWells9 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[5:09]  Hardcore Ironman ChronosXVII: Hi I am new
[7:01]  Hardcore Ironman ChronosXVII: how can i use charcoal for heat?
Premium NickyWells9 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[10:20]  Premium xny1337: you can't, that's the fun part
[11:03]  Premium FireWorx: omg xny1337
[3:32]  Hardcore Ironman ChronosXVII: how easy is it to switch ownership of a game like this? would it be expensive to buy?
Premium NickyWells9 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[2:03]  Premium KroBa: message @Ryan and see if he wants to sell it :man_shrugging:
Manandezo has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
[12:51]  SystemOfADown: 😏😏😏
Premium NickyWells9 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
Manandezo has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
Manandezo has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
Manandezo has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
Manandezo has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
[6:50]  SystemOfADown: πŸ“›πŸ“›πŸ“›
calisto has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
spartasteve1 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
[1:43]  SystemOfADown: β†’β†’β†’
[2:52]  BlazingHighQ: players onlin here?
[4:07]  Premium KroBa: yes
[6:12]  SystemOfADown: not GET /contact
[5:15]  Guest13048: hey , greetings from estonia
[5:16]  Guest13048: how to start?
palle20220 has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[12:07]  Premium KroBa: Equip a tool, choose a skill - it's pretty self-explanatory
[6:22]  Mikolas: tips for newbies?
[10:12]  Mikolas: dang this is a real grind
calisto has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[4:10]  Mikolas: happy monday
[12:17]  Mikolas: i wish you could straight up sell burnt fish for 1coin ea and not use marketplace
[1:45]  Premium xny1337: you can just delete it, no one will probably buy it
[6:21]  Mikolas: yeah that’s what i mean, i wish you could just sell it like you sell rock and sand and stuff
[2:53]  Premium KroBa: Not even the vendors want your trash
[3:26]  Mikolas: lol
[3:27]  Mikolas: it’s just another type of trash so makes me wonder. they label the other items the vendors take as junk.
calisto has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
[3:49]  Premium KroBa: There used to be a bloke that would buy them at 1ea
[6:21]  deviques: Hi. I am at the beginning. How can i get log?
[7:40]  Mikolas: youll have to level up enough for log, i think. first you just get branches.
[7:40]  Mikolas: i did eventually buy a few from marketplace before i was about to get some from woodcutting
[7:41]  Mikolas: if you dont have a tool you need theres basic starter ones for 3c ea in the General Store
[7:41]  Mikolas: itll be a lot of idle skill building
[7:41]  Mikolas: its kinda a dead game theres only a handful of ppl on now, but i dont mind that (yet) lol
[10:41]  Stadtkind: Combat gives no loot? Only coins? Where do I get meat from?
[1:04]  Premium KroBa: Catch fish and cook it
[1:52]  Stadtkind: that was not an answer of my question! Is there any loot (beside coins) in combat?
[4:26]  Mikolas: i dont think so, seems like just coins in combat. Kro did answer part of your question though. meat comes from fishing and cooking
Mikolas has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping tree!
calisto has just found [Thunderstruck Log] while chopping yew tree!
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